

깡죠 2015. 4. 24. 09:49


GPS 수신기이다. 데이터시트를 보고 요약해보려 한다.

블록 다이어그램




1.3 Receiving Unit Specifiacations


Receiver type : L1 frequency, C/A Code, 20-channel
Max up-date rate : 1 sec
Accuracy (SA off) : Position < 10m 3D RMS
3D Tracking Sensitivity :    -155dBm at the receiver input(typical)
Operational Limits : Altitude < 18,000m (60,000ft)
                            Velocity < 515m/s (1,000knots)


Time To First Fix (TTFF)
a) Cold Start 60sec (typical)
In a ‘Cold Start’ scenario, the receiver has no knowledge of position, time or the satellite constellation. The receiver starts to search for signals blindly. Cold start time is the longest startup for this module


b)WarmStart 40sec (typical)

In a ‘Warm Start’ scenario, due to a backup battery the receiver knows its last poison, the approximate time and the constellation almanac. Thanks to this it can quickly acquire satellites and gat a position fix faster then in ‘Cold Start’ mode.

c) Hot Start < 1sec (typical)
In a ‘Hot Start’ scenario, the receiver has been powered off for less then 2 hours since the last valid navigation solution. The GPS uses its last Ephemeris data to calculate a position fix.

Re-acquisition time         3sec typical (within 60sec GPS signal obstruction)


1.4 Protocols


Default : WGS84 NMEA 0183 9600bps
Activated message : GGA, GSA, GSV, RMC all with checksum enabled



Output Messages




[출처] : 데이터시트


전자공작 (키트) GPS 데이터 포맷 설명 (NMEA-0183)



내비게이션 만들기'에 해당되는 글 30건 (! 전자공작) |작성자 키트 http://cafe.naver.com/circuitsmanual/20102