[AGL] afb_binding
afb-binding API 에 대해 파악 하고 자함
afb/afb-api-x3.h 파일에 정의되어 있음
afb/afb-binding-v2.h 다음버전을 살펴봄
struct afb_binding_v2
- 바인딩 정의
struct afb_binding_v2 { const char *api; /**< api name for the binding */ const char *specification; /**< textual specification of the binding, can be NULL */ const char *info; /**< some info about the api, can be NULL */ const struct afb_verb_v2 *verbs; /**< array of descriptions of verbs terminated by a NULL name */ int (*preinit)(); /**< callback at load of the binding */ int (*init)(); /**< callback for starting the service */ void (*onevent)(const char *event, struct json_object *object); /**< callback for handling events */ unsigned noconcurrency: 1; /**< avoids concurrent requests to verbs */ }; //MediaService 예 const struct afb_binding_v2 afbBindingV2 = { .api = "mediaplayer", .specification = "Mediaplayer API", .verbs = binding_verbs, .onevent = onevent, .init = init, }; |
- 하나의 동작을 연결하기 위한 API version 2
struct afb_verb_v2 { const char *verb; /**< name of the verb, NULL only at end of the array */ void (*callback)(struct afb_req_x1 req);/**< callback function implementing the verb */ const struct afb_auth *auth; /**< required authorisation, can be NULL */ const char *info; /**< some info about the verb, can be NULL */ uint32_t session; /**< authorisation and session requirements of the verb */ }; |