Build 1-1
$ MACHINE=qemuarm bitbake core-image-minial
하거나 export MACHINE= qemuarm
conf/local.conf 파일에 다음 과 같이 설정 MACHINE ?= "qemuarm"
* core-image-minimal : This is the smallest BusyBox-, sysvinit-, and udev-based
console-only image
* core-image-full-cmdline : This is the BusyBox-based console-only image with
full hardware support and a more complete Linux system, including bash
* core-image-lsb : This is a console-only image that is based on Linux Standard
Base compliance
* core-image-x11 : This is the basic X11 Windows-system-based image with a
graphical terminal
* core-image-sato : This is the X11 Window-system-based image with a SATO theme
and a GNOME Mobile desktop environment
* core-image-weston : This is a Wayland protocol and Weston reference compositor-
based image
You will also find images with the following suffixes:
* dev : These images are suitable for development work, as they contain headers and
* sdk : These images include a complete SDK that can be used for development on
the target.
* initramfs : This is an image that can be used for a RAM-based root filesystem,
which can optionally be embedded with the Linux kernel.
you pass a target recipe to BitBake,
it first parses the following configuration files:
- conf/bblayers.conf : used to find all the configured layers
- conf/layer.conf : used on each configured layer
- meta/conf/bitbake.conf : used for its own configuration
- conf/local.conf : this file is used for any other configuration the user may have for the current build
- conf/machine/<machine>.conf : ex) qemuarm.conf
- conf/distro/<distro>.conf : distribution policy, by defalt poky.conf
$ source oe-init-build-env 또는
$ source oe-init-build-env #{생성할 디렉터리 이름}
For information on running a memory-resident BitBake, see the oe-init-build-env-memres
setup script.
을 실행하면
다음 파일들이 생성된다.
/poky/build/conf / bblayers.conf
/ local.conf