Building Genivi 13 (Orion) for the Renesas R-Car SoCs

R-Car M3  Salvator-XS 

elinux Salvator-XS


 R-Car H3 ES2.0 and M3-W Salvator-XS (Salvator-X 2nd version) board (RTP0RC7795SIPB0012S resp. RTP0RC7796SIPB0012S)

소유 보드 : RTP0RC7796SIPB0012S - (with R-Car M3-W)

Booting Linux 

 * Kernel config: defconfig
 * Kernel image: arch/arm64/boot/Image
 * DTB: arch/arm64/boot/dts/renesas/r8a7795-salvator-xs.dtb (for R-Car H3) 

   * DTB: arch/arm64/boot/dts/renesas/r8a7796-salvator-xs.dtb (for R-Car M3-W) 

R-Car M3-W ? 

 Board : Salvator-XS

 SoC   : M3

 DTB   : Image-r8a7796-salvator-xs.dtb

여기 시도 예정

AGL Kickstart on Renesas R-Car Starter Kit Gen3 V2.23 (h3ulcb, m3ulcb)

agl GEN3 :

'Yocto > gdp' 카테고리의 다른 글

R-Car M3  (0) 2017.12.03

설치 링크


sudo apt-get install gawk wget git diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-dev xterm


$ git clone
$ cd genivi-dev-platform

다운로드 패키지 :

Follow the generic preparation instructions above.  Once you reach the init step do the following.

At the moment, the following extra package also needs to be on your build machine:

    $ sudo apt-get install ImageMagick
  • Initialise build environment
    $ cd genivi-dev-platform
    $ source ./ r-car-m3-starter-kit
  • Configure the build for M3 Salvator-X
    Until Salvator-X support is added to the GDP board template mechanism it is straight forward to reconfigure a M3 Starter Kit build (the target you passed as a parameter in the previous step) to build for M3 Salvator-X instead by editing the Yocto local.conf.

    To do that simply edit gdp-src-build/conf/local.conf to set the following MACHINE variable:
    MACHINE = "salvator-x"
  • Obtain and Install Renesas Graphics Drivers

    Download the Click-through licensed Linux Drivers and Gfx/MMP packages for YBSP v2.23 and Wayland 1.13 / Weston 2.0 from here and unzip them into a folder.

    $ cd <folder containing the two zip files>
    $ unzip -o R-Car_Gen3_Series_Evaluation_Software_Package_for_Linux-*.zip
    $ unzip -o R-Car_Gen3_Series_Evaluation_Software_Package_of_Linux_Drivers-*.zip

    To install them into the correct place in the Yocto BSP a copy script is used.

    $ cd ../meta-renesas

    If you have the click-through packages (no NDA):

    $ sh meta-rcar-gen3/docs/sample/copyscript/ <path to the folder containing the packages>

    If you have the Evaluation packages (with NDA):

    $ sh meta-rcar-gen3/docs/sample/copyscript/ <path to the folder containing the packages>

'Yocto > gdp' 카테고리의 다른 글

[001] Setting Salvator-XS  (0) 2018.02.09

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